I first ordered the Natural Vibrations magnets around 2001 after doing an internet search on magnetic therapy. Those magnets are still in use and I still feel that their design is superior to any other kind of magnetic therapy. I know they work, have borrowed them on several occasions for my own use, and now have two horses who can enjoy their benefits. Thank you.
Your books have helped me a lot! At the beginning it was very difficult for me to handle my horse, he was so frightened of everything that he always ran away…and nobody could stop him. Now, he is the best horse I ever had!
Pauli, Germany
“As a vet, an enthusiastic horse friend and a consultant of world class riders, I thought I had already experienced and learned a lot. Now, after having been allowed to work with Mary Ann, indeed an absolutely new and wonderful world has been opened to me! How much I would wish all horse-people to obtain the opportunity to meet Mary Ann Simonds.”
Dr. Dorothe Meyer
Veterinarian, Nutritionist and owner of iwest, a German based nutritional company for horses.
I had quite a problem with “my” space before watching the video, My Space, Your Space. All I can say is – I have mighty smart horses. It took very, very little for them to catch on. Now there is no crowding when I am getting hay out. No crowding at all in fact. What a difference in everyone’s attitude – especially the most pushy horse of all. The great part about it is – I believe they are more comfortable and secure.
Sandy Clouse, Wyoming
“While I’ve never seen a horse video I didn’t like, “My Space, Your Space”, by Mary Ann Simonds, is the best that I’ve ever seen on horsemanship, including Monty Roberts and Klaus Ferdinand Hemphling. Dealing with the subject of space, body language, and leadership, the video’s breadth and depth is superior. Most notably, significant time is given to dealing with both mares and stallions, further setting the video apart. The video shares more information with you than others and takes you completely through a number of tips and exercises in real training situations. It’s basically a free lesson, consultation and road map. An inspiring video, “My Space, Your Space” is an outstanding educational effort and worth well more than its moderate price.”
Jim Pettyjohn
“I have to say I am so impressed with your Adaptation Blend. The change in Chance and Sage toward each other is amazing. Having two strong “firecats”, one diluted calico and the other a regular calico can be challenging. I am not having to drop everything to break up the horrible fights anymore.”
Lisa Ross-Williams
Host of the If Your Horse Could Talk show www.naturalhorsetalk.com
Senior Editor-Equine Wellness Magazine www.equinewellnessmagazine.com
“I had to e-mail right away and tell you my horse won his race. He assumed command at the start and led throughout, winning easily. Pretty cool! This is a horse that everyone gave up on and this race was his last try. He only had his Poll Band on for a day and a half.”
Cheers, Lynn, Canada
“I consider Mary Ann Simonds to be one of the geniuses of our times.”
Linda Tellington-Jones, Kona, Hawaii.
“Wow! What a horse! That’s what people say about my Tennessee Walker “Kilty”. They did not say that about him until last spring. Previous to that he was extremely passive, and did not particularly enjoy his work and was routinely dominated by other horses. Mary Ann gave Kilty the Natural Vibrations flower essences and wow, within two weeks Kilty went from “low man on the totem pole” to being the “#1 Boss Horse”. He has since finished in the top ten in eight out of twelve starts in endurance at both 25 and 50 miles. He absolutely does not like another horse in front of him.”
Dr. Dennis O’Brien, D.C. Chriopractor/Farrier, Vancouver, WA
“Mary Ann is such a valuable resource for the horse world; she is a treasure that is well worth rediscovering over and over! With her insights and uncanny ability, Mary Ann helps us all to experience moments of pure joy through her teachings. My whole extended family owes her multitudes of blessing for all the help and counseling she has provided to us over the years!”
Shelly Moore, TEAM Practitioner & Holistic Equine Training Coach
Creswell, Oregon
“Just one clinic with Mary Ann Simonds has confirmed my ‘hunch’ that the voices I’ve always heard do indeed belong to my horses. What wonderful conversations we share now that we are at least on ‘speaking terms’.”
Mona Loner
“Mary Ann helps us to remember what we already know to be true.”
“Isabell, my 16-month-old pup, was born healthy, happy and was part of her pack until she was given her third set of puppy vaccines. Then, she changed and became skittish, nervous and afraid. Before I got Involved with Mary Ann Simonds, Isabell was so bad that I was actually talking about putting her to sleep. With Mary Ann’s flower essences, help and expertise, I feel Isabell has made a miraculous recovery.”
Connie Kristensen, Portland, Oregon
“I started using Balance on some of the problem horses I work with, and it has helped so much, I will never be without it again.”
Mark DePaolo, DVM
“Your magnetic products worked wonders on my Thoroughbred (a former race horse turned “A” show hunter), and for an Arabian owned by a friend of mine to whom I recommended your ankle bracelets. They relieved pain and reduced stress on my horse’s legs and seemed to make him feel 100% better.”
Kristin Gratz, Baltimore, Maryland
“Natural Vibrations products have exceeded our expectations. We do have one big problem with your Hoof Boot, however, … everyone keeps borrowing it!”
Dana Salo, Bend, Oregon
“As an Equine Therapist for the 1996 Olympic Equestrian Teams, I used magnetic therapy products extensively, and have no doubt of their effectiveness.”
Mimi Porter, Lexington, Kentucky
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